Home / Shop / Meat Goat Society
Market Goat Shows

- Description
No ownership rules. No fitting rules. No permanent alterations to animals. Bracing is allowed.
Exhibitor must be under 19 years old the day of the show.
Entry fee is $25.00 per head.
Please add pens, $10. per pen.
You may show from your trailer. Your equipment must remain by your trailer. If you Show & Go, there is no pen fee.
Do not block the isles with goats, tack, and stands.
Weight cards are given at check in. You will Identify stock on weight cards with scrapie tag or tattoo.
Pre-enter online.
Please use these Forms below:
Swine Pavilion. DO NOT PARK ON GRASS. DESIGNATED PARKING FOR SHOW & GO, all trailers must park on the gravel south of the pavilion.
All Stock must be weighed. Check in is May 30th, 9-noon. Weight cards must be turned in by 1pm.
Please reserve your hotel room as soon as possible. click here
Enter Early!
SHOW DATE & TIME: 30th, 3pm
Goat Gala Dinner $20 adults, $8 Youth
Rules on line: goatexpo.com