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  • Sponsor


    Starting At USD $0.00

    •Ad in catalog (size depends on sponsorship level)

    Platinum: $600.

    Gold: $400.

    Silver: $200.
    4H Suburban Interns $25.


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  • Advertising


    USD $0.00
    Advertising in the Workbooks.  Your ad will appear in two of the three books, at our discretion.

    Full Page  8.5" X 11"  $150.

    Half Page  7.5" X 4.5"  $100.

    Third Page 3.75" X 4.5"  $60.

    Quarter Page  2.5" X 4.5"  $45.

    Eight page  3.75" X 2.25"  $35.

    Business size Ad  3.5” X 2”  $25.00

    Deadline April 30th or when all spaces are full.

    We can create an ad for you for free.

    Ad will be in catalog, social media, and website.

    Advertise your farm - ranch, business, cheer on your child in the Youth Goat Camp with a special message, coupons, etc.


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