Engelage Boer Goats

Engelage Boer Goats, Warrenton, Missouri

Cathy Engelage

This is the story of Cathy Engelage and her family ranch is Warrenton, Missouri. Cathy has been with the Midwest Buck Sale from the very first meeting we had in Sedalia in late 2018. We made a post on Facebook to ask if anyone was interested in joining and help create the MBS event. She had her husband Arden attended and were instrumental in creating what we now have today, going into our fourth year. Cathy was the Secretary in 2019 and has been the Vice President in 2020 and 2021. She brings a smile, friendship, and love, along with wonderful advice. She has a gracious spirit that keeps us all focused on what is important in life and about the event. We are blessed to have her guidance and she is appreciated for everything she does. You will meet Cathy in June, as you check in. If you have any questions, feel free to ask her anything and you can also message her on Facebook.

Her story:

Hi! I’m Cathy Engelage, from Warren County, Missouri. I live on our family farm where we raise cattle, corn, soybeans, wheat, hay and GOATS!

I am honored to be Vice-President of the Midwest Buck Sale, LLC. I spend most of my free time, helping 4-H and FFA members learn about livestock and farming. I love watching those kids show and grow. I am very involved in our community and have served in many different capacities.

When our oldest son turned 8, we got involved with 4-H, and so it began. Our boys showed steers, heifers, sheep, pigs and rabbits. When our grandchildren were ready for the show ring, they wanted to show goats.  So that year I went out blindly and purchased 10 does and a buck. That was the beginning of our goat herd. Lots of trial and error, lots of mistakes, and lots of tears. But after more than a decade, we are still raising goats, and I still have the first doe I bought. She is about to retire, but she served us well.

We recently converted a hog confinement house that we no longer used, to a goat nursery and growing barn. My husband and I did all the work ourselves and it was a challenge, but worth it.

My involvement with the MBS began, in of all places, Facebook! That is how I met the other board members and it has grown from there. Every year, we add more events and work to improve the ones we started with. I don’t know of any other event that includes ALL segments of the goat business. We are an “all inclusive” goat event. If you raise any kind of goats, or you think you might want to raise goats,  you will learn something by attending the MBS. Classes, networking, courses, congress, shows, health, marketing, equipment,  fitting, A.I. class, vendors, camps, dinners and our grand finale is the sale.

If you make it to the sale, look me up! I love to talk goats!

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