Youth Goat Camp 2021 Success!

The second year for the Youth Goat Camp in 2021 with Terry Burks, did not disappoint.

The Youth Goat Camp is a place for your child to begin their journey into a more advanced arena. We separate the youth into age groups. Junior, Intermediate, and Senior. Ages 8-18.

The camp originally started with a limit of 20 kids to attend and it quickly filled. The response to add more children, by parents, was enough for us to ask if we could add ten more spots. So, we extended it to thirty and it quickly filled again. These children had the best time ever. We appreciate Mr. Burks agreeing to teach these important camps so children and parents can learn and understand the nuances of selecting, preparing, and exhibiting their stock. We were very careful about who we selected to help us provide these opportunities and Mr. Burks does not disappoint the crowd. He has an ability to connect with the children and truly get the most out of them over the three day course. The children change and improve greatly.

The Youth Goat Camp was then extended from 2 to 3 days. With this extension of days came a more intense program with information and hands on learning.

The youth had a age range from 8-17 and levels from beginner to a little more advanced. Over the three days the youth learned about selection, preparation, and presentation. A skill-a-thon was added and a little more in-depth instruction on grooming techniques. 2022 is in the works and we are sure to have another great year for the kids to start and build their future in the goat industry.

Melissa Jacobs made some sweet goat ornaments. For the kids.

The children worked hard practicing for their final showmanship competition and they were intense. Even the juniors had exceptional focus and worked hard for the ultimate Championship win.

The children competed for the Championship titles in each of the three categories, Junior, Intermediate, and Senior, with Seniors leading the way.

Showmanship Champions
Senior Division:

Champion: Blayne Williams

Reserve Champion: Brenna Whitlow

Third Overall: Carsyn Petree

Intermediate Division:

Champion: Diesel Cook

Reserve Champion: Brody Swindler

Third Overall: Allyson Spurgeon

Junior Division:

Champion: Macie Phillips

Res Champion: Clayton Dinsmore

Third Overall: Janessa VanHook

Honorable Third Overall: Natali VanHook

Terry Burks teaches the foundation

Selection / Preparation / Presentation

Banner Award Winners in Achievements during camp:

Kindest Camper

Janessa & Natali Vanhook

Hardest Worker

Hildie Portell

Animal Care Expert

Diesel Cook

Most Curious

Brody Swindler

Most Improved

Allyson Spurgeon

Wealth of Information

Brenna Whitlow

Not Shy Anymore

Lucas Alexander

Natural Born Leader

Paiton Williams

Persistence Pays

Taos Cook

Scavenger Hunt & Obstacle Course Winners

Scavenger Hunt

Ian Garber

Lucas Alexander

Brody Swindler

Diesel Cook

Cody Jacobs

Elliana Garber

The week was full of fun for everyone!

Pee Wee Winners

Obstacle Course

Raylyn Wilfong

Brody Swindler

Luca Alexander

Carsyn Petree

Colton Scheets

Bailee Vogel

Special award by Brenda Larner of Agnew Boer Goats

Brenda Larner attended as a clinic instructor during the week. She was so impressed with what the children were learning that she wanted to add to the event. Her objective was to provide a young show quality doe to a youth goat camper, that could would care for the new doe and bring her back the following year.

Bailee Vogel was selected to receive a beautiful red doe. Congratulations Bailee and we will see both of you next year.

More to come on this wonderful opportunity. We will keep you updated.

Special Thank You:

We say a special thank you to Mr.Terry Burks and Mrs. Alice Burks, for their time and dedication, in teaching the youth how to be productive in the goat industry. The connection they make with the kids is evident in how hard they work to be better at the end of the camp. Thank you so much for being part of this event each year. We look forward to creating an experience that the children remember for a life time.

2021 raised $2250.00 to donate to the Missouri Fair Foundation, given in each child’s name, going toward the new goat pavilion on the state fairgrounds.

Thank you to the Midwest Buck Sale Board of Directors:

Melissa Jacobs, President

Cathy Engelage, Vice President

Jennifer Phillips, Secretary

Katherine Lambdin, Reporter

Evie Gates, Historian

These ladies work hard to provide a fun experience for the children, with the Youth Goat Camp each year, an obstacle course, scavenger hunt, pizza, t shirts, and all sorts of prizes an awards. We want the kids to get a good start, build confidence, and become better at what they love.

Please keep us posted on your achievements. Email photos and details at:

That’s a Wrap for 2021!! Watch for 2022 entries to be accepted in late August 2021. Don’t delay, because once it is full, it is full.
See you June 2022, in Sedalia, MO

Midwest Buck Sale, LLC All Rights Reserved, 2018-2021

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