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  • Midwest Buck Sale

    Midwest Buck Sale

    USD $35.00
    MIDWEST BUCK SALE 2025, May 28, 3pm to May 31st, 3pm Online Only



    $35 per lot. That may be a Buck, Doe, Doe & Kid(s)

    $105. per lot of 3 Yearling Does (sold 3X's the final bid)

    $175 per lot of 5 Adult Does sold 5X's the final bid

    $35. per lot of Semen. Semen may be however many straws entered in a lot for a final bid price. 

    Your reserve should be the beginning (reserve) price you set.  The next bid will sell your stock at your asking price, or more.

    This is a non-commissioned sale.  A Buyers Premium is applied to the final sale at 5% and added to the final bid at check out.  The buyer will pay this premium.

    Culls do not sell. If Seller enters a cull, they will no longer be able to sell in any of the sales on this platform.

    Deadline to Enter this May Sale is May 15th.

    Seller may provide up to 5 photos and two videos, no longer than 3 minutes each.

    Original Registration Certificates must be handed over at time of pick up when buyer arrives.  A transfer must accompany all registration certificates.  Please leave the buyers name and date blank.

    If there is no registration certificate, please provide a written pedigree for the buyer's records.

    All stock must have a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection within 30 days of the sale date. No exceptions.  This must be turned over to the buyer at the time of pick up.

    The Midwest Buck Sale is an opportunity for meat, fiber, and dairy goat breeders across America to showcase their production stock in a production type atmosphere.

    Sellers are not limited in what they may sell, as long as it is a production animal and healthy.

    There are no substitutions in the sale. If you have to scratch a lot, please let us know 48 hours prior to the sale beginning online. There are no refunds for entries. We have already done the work advertising and inputting data.

    All sales of stock are final.

    DAIRY - MEAT - FIBER  and composite stock may enter the sale.  All breeds may sell.  Quality Stock only. Registered and Unregistered stock may sell.

    If you have any questions, email,


    If you need additional stock pens or shavings, please add those to your cart.

    Health Certificates must be provided from state of origin.  Please follow the directions on the application to enter.
    Midwest Buck Sale

    Midwest Buck Sale

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  • Youth Goat Camps

    Youth Goat Camps

    USD $0.00




    May 28-30th, 9am-4pm daily

    All youth entered will receive a work book, personalized t shirt and note book. $150. per child.




    PARENT FORM, please fill in, print & sign and bring with you at check in, or email to us:

    Please add a tack pen to your cart, if you need one: $10. Tack pens may be shared.

    This is a fun milk test with Lincoln University to give information. This is not a formal test. This is for informational purposes only.


    The APRIL 15TH deadline or when camps are full.

    Scavenger Hunt, Costume Contest, Personalized T Shirt, Workbook, and so much more! Sign up and let's have some FUN!

    Each child may bring a wether and/or doe. No intact bucks. Scrapie tag for non tattooed animals. Youth may bring one or two goats for the camp.

    Youth may bring all stock needed for additional fun shows. Please include pen fees for those animals, if needed.

    All animals brought onto the Missouri State Fairgrounds must have a health certificate, even if it resides in Missouri.

    Lunch is included Wednesday thru Friday.

    Market and Dairy shows for the youth are May 30th after the final showmanship. 

    Any Youth may enter the shows, they do not have to attend the camps.
    Youth Goat Camps

    Youth Goat Camps

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  • T Shirts

    T Shirts

    USD $21.00
    Goat Expo and Youth Goat Camp T Shirts.

    Select a color and a size. Be sure to designate if it is a youth or adult size.


    Shipping $6.99 in the continental USA.
    *A one-time handling fee of USD $6.99 will be added to your shipping total at checkout.
    T Shirts

    T Shirts

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  • It's Fitting w/Ruthie

    It's Fitting w/Ruthie

    USD $60.00
    Join the Fun in learning more about fitting and showing on May 28th
    It's Fitting with Ruthie Green!
    What a phenomenal opportunity to learn more about Fitting and getting prepared to show your Dairy goats. Each participant will enjoy a day with Ruthie Green while she teaches the fine elements of grooming and fitting for the show arena. 
    She will teach you how to show your stock at its very best along with details about the score card, what to expect at a show, and some husbandry tips.
    Each entry fee is per person. You may bring up to two goats.  If you do not have a goat to bring, that is Okay, come have a fun day and learn more about Dairy Goat Showing!  Please bring your goats clean and ready to clip at the event. (do not clip them prior to attending)
    If you need a pen, please add that to your cart at check out. Each additional pen, for supplies will need to be added to your cart. Bring shavings for your pen if needed. You may attend and work from your trailer also.
    Bring all your supplies, stand, equipment that you show with.
    Ruthie will have a mock show at the end of the class.
    Date: May 28th
    Start time: 9am 
    Lunch noon -1pm
    Day will wrap up about 3-4 pm
    Maximum quantity exceeded
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    It's Fitting w/Ruthie

    It's Fitting w/Ruthie

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  • It's Fitting w/Kelly

    It's Fitting w/Kelly

    USD $140.00
    It's Fitting with Kelly Edwards!
    What a phenomenal opportunity to learn more about Fitting and getting prepared to show your Boer goats.
    Each participant will enjoy a day with Kelly Edwards while she teaches the fine elements of grooming and fitting for the show arena. 
    She will teach you how to show your stock at its very best.
    Each entry fee is per person. You may bring up to two goats.  Please bring your goats clean and ready to clip at the event.
    If you need an additional pen, for supplies, please add that to your cart. Bring shavings for your pen if needed.
    Bring all your supplies, stand, equipment that you show with.
    Enter early.
    After the fitting clinic sign up for the Boer Goat Course with Anton Ward, workbook included.
    Maximum quantity exceeded
    Minimum purchase amount of 0 is required
    It's Fitting w/Kelly

    It's Fitting w/Kelly

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  • It's Fitting w/Calli

    It's Fitting w/Calli

    USD $45.00
    It's Fitting with Calli Berwald! Read more about Calli.

    May 30th at 1 pm.

    What a phenomenal opportunity to learn more about Market goat Fitting and getting prepared to show your Market stock and compete in the Showmanship Team Competitions!

    Each participant will enjoy learning with Calli.  This is hands on.   She will teach the fine elements of grooming and fitting for the Market show arena. 

    She will teach you how to FIT your stock at its very best and how to complete in the Showmanship competitions around the USA.  Calli has been highly successful in competing where she goes.

    Entry fee is per person. You may bring up to two goats.  Please bring your goats clean and ready to clip at the clinic, if possible.  If they are clipped, that is okay, because Calli will cover other aspects of fitting legs and what blades to use, etc.
    If you need an additional pen, for supplies, please add that to your cart. Bring shavings for your pen if needed.
    Bring all your supplies, stand, equipment that you show with.  You may work from your trailer and not use a pen, that is an option.
    Enter early this clinic is limited.
    This fitting clinic and showmanship competition is separate from the camp. You do not have to enter the camp to enter this clinic on May 30th beginning at 1 pm.  This will last about 2 hours and end prior to the Evening shows on Friday.
    Get entered now!
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    It's Fitting w/Calli

    It's Fitting w/Calli

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  • Sponsor


    Starting At USD $0.00

    •Ad in catalog (size depends on sponsorship level)

    Platinum: $600.

    Gold: $400.

    Silver: $200.
    4H Suburban Interns $25.


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  • Vendor Booth

    Vendor Booth

    USD $0.00
    VENDOR SPACE - Large Equipment Vendors 20'X20' space - $165. (May 30 & 31st))
    Vendor Space, 10'X10'. On the grass - $50.
    Vendor Space, 10'X10'. Under the pavilion - $50.
    FFA Building, 10'X10', indoor $125. includes table and chairs.
    Electricity $20. must have your own extension cord.
    One 8' table $10. and folding chairs, $5. each, total $15.00
    Vendors must bring their own tables, chairs and canopies. Canopies must have straight legs and a minimum or 10'X10'.
    Vendor set up: May 29th 10am-6pm
    Take down: May 31 after 4pm
    Vendors must be open 9 am - 4 pm daily.
    Vendor Booth

    Vendor Booth

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  • Advertising


    USD $0.00
    Advertising in the Workbooks.  Your ad will appear in two of the three books, at our discretion.

    Full Page  8.5" X 11"  $150.

    Half Page  7.5" X 4.5"  $100.

    Third Page 3.75" X 4.5"  $60.

    Quarter Page  2.5" X 4.5"  $45.

    Eight page  3.75" X 2.25"  $35.

    Business size Ad  3.5” X 2”  $25.00

    Deadline April 30th or when all spaces are full.

    We can create an ad for you for free.

    Ad will be in catalog, social media, and website.

    Advertise your farm - ranch, business, cheer on your child in the Youth Goat Camp with a special message, coupons, etc.


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  • Pen


    USD $10.00
    Pen Fee $10 per pen, stock or tack.
    When showing Saturday, pens do not have to be cleaned.
    Pens must be cleaned if leaving on any other day of the week. If something is in the pen after 3pm on any day, we pay for that pen.  Please help us keep costs down by keep isles clean and trash picked up and thrown in the receptacles provided.
    Please allow yourself enough space for grooming, milking, etc.
    Isles must remain clear.
    • Buy 16 at USD $4.75
    Maximum quantity exceeded
    Minimum purchase amount of 0 is required



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  • Paint N Pop

    Paint N Pop

    USD $15.00
    Paint N Pop on May 29 at 5 pm.  Youth can enjoy learning how to paint something fun, eat some good snacks and have a Pop. (water is available also)

    This is a fund raiser for the Youth Goat Camp Scholarships that will be awarded in 2025.

    Adults and Youth may enter also, for the $15. donation.

    It includes all supplies needed for a fun evening.

    Missouri State Fairgrounds, FFA building.

    Please enter so we know how many have signed up, we have to have enough supplies.  You may pay online, mail in, or pay at the time of supply pick up.
    • Buy 2 at USD $12.50
    Maximum quantity exceeded
    Minimum purchase amount of 1 is required
    Paint N Pop

    Paint N Pop

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