Congratulations to each and every one of the youth that attended the 2020 Youth Goat Camp, with Terry Burks!!!

The Midwest Buck Sale couldn’t cancel everything, in spite of all the other cancellations throughout the country. We worked hard and did our best to provide a learning opportunity for the youth this year and we believe it was a HUGE SUCCESS!!! Thank you to everyone that attended and worked hard to make this year happen! You rock 2020!
The entry fees paid by each youth were used to make a direct donation to the Missouri State Fair Foundation, earmarked for the new goat pavilion project. We are happy to say it was a $1200.00 donation toward the new goat pavilion. We believe progress is progress and the facility is needed.

They were Clayton Dinsmore, James Dinsmore, Hilde Portell, and Sawyer Gilliam. All of the youth that attended did a great job and had a good time. The Midwest Buck Sale is proud to be a Missouri State Fair Foundation Member and support the projects at the Missouri State Fairgrounds.
This year has been quite the challenge with the shut down’s and covid-19 pandemic. We did our best to be sure each child washed hands and kept a safe distance, for the most part.
The Youth Goat Camp 2020, with Terry Burks was a huge success!!! The feedback from the parents has been great. We appreciate all the youth and parents that attended and we hope to see you next year with an extended day.
This was a fun week, but a lot of work. Thank you to the ladies on the committee that made the week possible. Cathy Engelage, Evie Gates, Melissa Jacobs, Katherine Lambdin, Anna Lambdin, and Jennifer Phillips.
The first day started with classroom work, definitions, and getting to know the stock.

After the a short break, the kids had their first practice. This was the opportunity to evaluate each student and determine their abilities and areas that need strengthening. Watching Burks work with the youth was fun. He engages them and uses real life situations to get them involved. The hands on learning in both the class time and arena time were a wealth of important information.

Practice Makes Perfect

We watched them all improve.
Over the two days, we enjoyed watching the youth improve in both their abilities and confidence. It seemed they all had a great time. There was a Obstacle Course and a Scavenger Hunt. Winners won a variety of goodies to use with their goats at home.

Winners were left to right, back row) Cody Jacobs, Laine Schmalzried, and Lindsey Engelage.
front row, left to right) Sawyer Gilliam, Macie Phillips, and Raylyn Wilfong.
Very back row, Jennifer Phillips and Melissa Jacobs. Cathy Engelage and Evie Gates not pictured. Thank you to these ladies on the Youth Committee.
Final Showmanship
Laine Schmalzried Senior Champion Showman Hilde Portell Senior Reserve Champion Ryan Wright Intermediate Champion Showman Carsyn Petree Intermediate Reserve Champion Sawyer Gilliam Junior Champion Showman Macie Phillips Junior Reserve Champion
The Missouri State Fair Foundation received a $1200.00 Donation from the Midwest Buck Sale, in the name of each child that attended. Thank you to Terry Burks for his generous donation of time. He is the best and it was so much fun watching the kids learn. Thank you to all the ladies on the committee. You really made the event run smoothly.
Thank you to each parent that signed up your child and thank you to each of the youth that participated. You are champions!