Lincoln University

Dr. Homero Salinas-Gonzalez
Area(s) of Specialization
State Extension and Research Specialist – Small Ruminant
Dr. Homero Salinas-Gonzalez is Assistant Professor and State Extension-Research Specialist on Small Ruminant at Lincoln University. With a Doctor of Animal Science in Autonomous University Nuevo Leon, and Dairy Science Master degree in The Penn State University.
Dr. Salinas will speak on June 3 & 4. Topics include ‘Why dairy goats are a good option’, pasture management, and parasites, FAMACHA scores. We welcome Dr. Salinas, Lincoln University and their educators to help improve the outreach for knowledge in the goat community. Special thank you to Dr. Salinas and the university for the support in providing learning opportunities.
Sign up FAMACHA, Click Here (limited to 20)
Sign up for the Free Speaking events in during the week, Click Here. Sign up Click Here for the FAMACHA course.
June 3 11:00 AM Dairy, is it a Good Option?
Milk Goat Production and Dairy Products Talk
Nutrient Comparison of Goat Milk, Cow Milk, and Human Milk
Goat’s milk contains A2-casein, which does not represent any problem in digestion and other inflammation disruptions.
Value-added products, organic vs conventional products.
June 4 11:00 AM FAMACHA course and certification
20 minute talk and remainder of time is hands on inspection and comparison.
$15.00 per FAMACHA card, cash paid to Lincoln University, Dr. Salinas.
Please sign up online, limited to 20. Click Here
June 4 1:00 PM Pasture Management Course
Pasture Management Talk
Main warm and cold season grasses and benefits of grazing small ruminants
Stocking rate for small ruminants.
Understanding Nutritive Values CP%, NDF% ADF% NDT% and how to calculate the Relative Feed Value (RFV) of a forage.
General Considerations to select grazing method to prevent parasites infection in small ruminants.
Dr. Homero Salinas Assistant Professor, Extension State Specialist Cooperative Extension & Research. Animal Science. Small Ruminants College of Agriculture, Environmental and Human Sciences Lincoln University of Missouri 110 A Allen Hall | 900 Chestnut Street | Jefferson City, MO 65101 Phone: (573) 681-5169 | Fax: (573) 681-5881 Email: salinas-gonzalezh@lincolnu.edu