Buck Alley


If you have a buck/billy that you want to promote and advertise, there is a wonderful opportunity at the Midwest Buck Sale in June 2022.

Buck Alley gives a breeder the opportunity to have their buck displayed down an alley, just for bucks/billies. Sell semen, book breeding(s) for the coming fall, and promote your stock. It’s a great way to show off your reproductive males to potential customers.

Each buck/billy pen is separated by a pen to put up a display table and display your farm information. We will also feature the bucks in Buck Alley, on the website when you enter their information and photo. They’ll show up in the gallery on the front page.

Enter your information in this form, click here, to get started. Click the events you want to enter. A email will be auto-generated with a link to complete animal information. You may return to this page and click here, to fill out the animal info form. After you submit the form, you will be taken to the payment portal to pay. Your entry fee in Buck Alley, is $10.00 for the week. Buck/Billies that win are selected by ticket totals in their respective boxes. It is a “PEOPLE’S CHOICE”, winner. After winners are announced, a ticket is drawn for a 50% jackpot winner. 50% goes to the Youth Goat Camp savings account for the next year.

Bucks for the Buck Alley may come into the barn on May 31, after 5:00 pm. Breeders may arrive May 31, June 2. Each buck pen is $10.00. A breeder may get more than one buck pen at $10.00 per buck, and will receive one pen for the display, next to their buck(s). Please use the ‘notes’ area for any special requests, including to be penned near another breeder.

Bucks/Billies in Buck Alley may not be sold to the public unless they are entered in the Midwest Buck Sale on June 4, 2022. Buck owners, with bucks in Buck Alley, may sell semen at their respective pens.

Sign up for the A.I. Clinic on June 1, with Dr. Delinda Volskay of County Line Veterinary Clinic, Diamond, MO CLICK HERE

Midwest Buck Sale does not provide tables & chairs for the buck pens. Breeders will need to bring their set up for the display.

No live animal alley/pen sales.

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