The USDA stays ever virulent in research to keep disease in livestock under control.
Join us: June 3
Scrapie Program, 10:00 am – Goat Study 1:00 pm
CLICK HERE for the USDA/APHIS website
We are pleased to have Charlotte Clifford-Rathert, DVM, Federal Field Veterinarian, USDA-APHIS VS. She is serving the East Central Missouri district. In addition to her regulatory field work, she assists the Veterinary Export Trade Services (VETS) with Animal Product Export endorsements, Live Animal Export and Import inspections. short bio
She will be speaking on June 3 before and after lunch. Please sign up online to reserve your spot. Speakers are free.
Click Here Sign up online please.
Animal Health Surveillance in the United States: USDA APHIS
Sheep and Goat Health: Click Here
- Scrapie Program Final Rule-07-127-3
- National Scrapie Eradication Program Standards – 2019 final
- Educational Materials
National Animal Health Monitoring System: USDA
How is the U.S. Goat Industry Growing? [English] [Español] (pdf 10/20)
- Biosecurity on U.S. Goat Operations (2/12)
- Disease and Mortality on U.S. Goat Operations (2/12)
- Goat and Kid Predator and Nonpredator Death Loss in the United States, 2015 (4/17 rev 5/17)
Current and Ongoing Projects: CLICK HERE
- Use of Veterinarians on Goat Operations [English] [Español] (October 2020)
- How is the U.S. Goat Industry Growing? [English] [Español] (October 2020)
- Disbudding on U.S. Goat Operations [English] [Español] (January 2021)
- NAHMS Health Management on U.S. Feedlots 2021 – Promotional Video(February 2021)
Charlotte Clifford-Rathert, DVM, Federal Field Veterinarian, USDA-APHIS
Veterinary Medical Officer
USDA Veterinary Services Field Operations
District 4 – Missouri
1715 Southridge Dr.
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Office: 573-658-9850
Cell: 573-355-7176
Fax: 573-658-4384
Email: charlotte.clifford-rathert@usda.gov

In cooperation with the American Goat Federation