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Boer Goat Congress

- Description
Boer Goat Congress is a really cool way to have your stock evaluated and compared to other breeder's Boer goats. Registered stock is preferred, to track pedigrees, but is not "required" to enter the classes.
Goats should be shown as natural as possible and may be groomed at the discretion of the exhibitor. No products may be used to stiffen or color the hair.
Classes: Buck, Doe, Doe & Kids, and three Yearling Does. (Animals may be entered only one time in these classes. All goats must be entered in one of these classes to qualify for entry in the Breeder's Herd.
Enter: You will identify your goat stock by colour coat, sex, and age by teeth and (choose one) Scrapie Tag, Tattoo, or Microchip (must have a reader).
Questions: info@goatexpo.com
Colour Coat
- Boer Goat: Traditional Red Headed, white bodied meaty goat.
- Kalahari Red: Red Boer Goat, similar characteristics.
- Savanna: White Boer Goat with dark speckled skin, similar characteristics.
- Dapple: Moon spotted or tiger patterned Boer Goat, similar characteristics.
- Black: Black Boer Goat, similar characteristics.
- Paint: "Chroma" Boer Goat, similar characteristics.
- Composite: Percentage Boer Goat. Will have Boer goat characteristics, but will have a varience of the goat breed crossed in it. (Composite goats may take part in all classes, including the breeder herd group)
- The goats are separated by Sex. Either Buck or Doe. (this is a breed evaluation)
All stock is divided by the teeth of the animal to determine age. Please check the teeth of your stock before entering age.
- Milk Tooth: must not have any permanent teeth. These goats will be weighed and divided within 10 pounds to be compared.
- Yearling: must have two erupted permanent teeth
- Two year old: must have four permanent erupted teeth
- Three year old: must have six permanent erupted teeth
- Four year old and older, eight tooth
All teeth must erupt in the correct order, not be loose or missing unless one has fallen out for another to come in.
Special Classes:
Breeder Herd: One Buck, two adult Does that have kidded, two doe kids and one buck kid sired by the Buck and out of one of the two does in the group. Total of 6 head. Each of these animals must be entered in their respective class. Preferably they will have the same hair coat colour, but it is not required to enter the Breeder's Herd Group. (Quality and consistency is key)
Clarification: preferably all of these animals will be bred by the breeder. At this time we do not require the adult Buck and adult Does to be bred by the breeder, but the "kids" are required to be by the breeder from the Buck and Does in the group.
Our goal is to provide opportunities for goat breeders to learn more about selection and how to improve their herds, staying up to date on the industry markets and changes.